Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base

Whether you're new to the world of low carbon technology or looking to expand your existing installations, our resources are tailored to provide you with the insights and guidance necessary for making informed decisions.

Solar PV ☀️

  • What are the benefits of installing Solar PV panels ?

    Solar PV panels offer several benefits. They reduce electricity bills by generating free, renewable energy. They also lower carbon footprints, contributing to the UK's Net Zero Carbon ambitions. Additionally, Solar PV systems can increase property value and offer a potential income through the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), where excess energy can be sold back to the grid.

  • How efficient are Solar PV panels in the UK's climate?

    Despite the UK's variable weather, Solar PV panels are efficient. Modern panels are designed to work effectively even on cloudy days, although they produce more energy in direct sunlight. The efficiency of solar panels has improved significantly, making them a viable option in regions with less consistent sunshine.

  • How long does a Solar PV system typically last?

    Solar PV systems are known for their longevity and low maintenance. In the UK, a typical Solar PV system can last for 25 to 30 years or more. Most manufacturers offer a warranty of 20 to 25 years, ensuring performance and reliability over a significant period. Contact our team to find out more about our Maintenance packages.

  • Can Solar PV panels work effectively on all types of properties?

    Solar PV panels are versatile and can be installed on a wide range of properties in the UK, including residential homes, commercial buildings, and industrial sites. The key factors for effective performance are sufficient roof space, good structural condition, and minimal shading. South-facing roofs are ideal for maximum solar gain, but east or west-facing installations can also be effective. It's important to have a site assessment to determine the suitability of your property for Solar PV installation.

  • What maintenance is required for Solar PV systems?

    Solar PV systems require minimal maintenance, making them a convenient choice for commercial property owners in the UK. It's generally recommended to check the panels annually for any dirt or debris that might obstruct sunlight and to ensure all components are in good working order. Most systems come with monitoring software that alerts you to any performance issues. Professional maintenance services are available, but the day-to-day upkeep is relatively straightforward and low-cost. Contact our team to find out more about our Maintenance packages.

  • What are the key factors to consider before installing solar panels on a commercial building in the UK?

    Before installing solar panels, our team will consider the roof's size, orientation, and structural integrity. Our team South-facing roofs are ideal for maximum solar exposure, but east or west-facing can also be effective. Ensure the roof is in good condition and can support the weight of the panels. Additionally, assess any shading from nearby buildings or trees and local planning regulations.

  • How much roof space is typically required for a commercial solar panel installation in the UK?

    The required roof space depends on the energy needs of the business and the efficiency of the panels. On average, 1 kW of solar panels requires about 10 square metres of roof space. For a medium-sized commercial system of 30 kW, approximately 300 square metres would be needed. However, highly efficient panels can reduce the space requirement.

  • How long does it typically take to install a solar panel system on a commercial property in the UK, and what is the process?

    The installation time can vary, but typically, a commercial solar panel system can be installed within a few days to a week, depending on the system's size and complexity. The process involves an initial site assessment, design and planning, obtaining necessary permits, the physical installation of panels and wiring, and finally, connection to the electrical grid and any monitoring systems.

Battery Storage 🔋

  • What are the key benefits of integrating battery storage in a commercial setting in the UK?

    Battery storage systems offer several advantages for UK businesses. They enable energy cost savings by storing electricity when it's cheaper and using it during peak tariff times. They also enhance energy security by providing backup power during outages. Additionally, when combined with renewable energy sources like solar panels, they can reduce carbon emissions and support sustainability goals.

  • How does battery storage support renewable energy usage in UK businesses?

    Battery storage is pivotal in maximising the use of renewable energy in commercial settings. It allows businesses to store excess energy generated from renewable sources like solar or wind, which can be used when production is low (e.g., during cloudy or non-windy periods). This storage capability ensures a more consistent and reliable energy supply, reducing reliance on the grid and fossil fuels.

  • What are the financial incentives for adopting battery storage in commercial properties?

    In the UK, commercial properties can benefit financially from battery storage through mechanisms like demand-side response (DSR) programmes and time-of-use tariffs. These allow businesses to sell stored energy back to the grid during high-demand periods at a premium. Additionally, reducing peak-time energy consumption can significantly lower energy bills. There may also be specific grants or incentives available for businesses adopting green technologies.

  • What is the typical lifespan and warranty of commercial battery storage systems?

    Commercial battery storage systems typically have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years, depending on the technology and usage patterns. Most manufacturers offer warranties that guarantee a certain level of performance over a specified period, usually around 10 years. It's important to consider both the lifespan and warranty when evaluating the long-term value and return on investment of a battery storage system.

  • How does battery storage impact the carbon footprint of a UK business, and can it contribute to achieving Net Zero goals?

    Battery storage can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of a UK business. By storing and utilising electricity generated from renewable sources, such as solar or wind power, businesses can decrease their reliance on carbon-intensive grid electricity. This shift to cleaner energy sources directly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, effective use of battery storage helps in balancing energy demand and supply, enhancing the overall efficiency of the energy system. As a result, integrating battery storage is a key strategy for businesses aiming to achieve Net Zero targets, aligning with the UK's broader ambitions for carbon neutrality.

Nuvolt's Services 👷🏽

  • Does Nuvolt offer design services as part of their renewable energy solutions?

    Yes, Nuvolt provides comprehensive design services as part of their renewable energy solutions. Our in-house technical capabilities are geared towards supporting and managing a range of renewable installations. This includes a full turnkey approach to projects, which encompasses the design phase. Nuvolt's focus on innovative sustainable solutions involves the design and utilisation of integrated low carbon technology, ensuring that the systems are optimised for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Our design services are tailored to meet the specific needs of each project, whether it involves new developments, refurbishment, or retrofitting of existing buildings.

  • What services do Nuvolt offer?

    Nuvolt specialises in advising, designing, constructing, maintaining, and optimising low carbon technology solutions. Nuvolt's services include providing introductions to funding solutions for project delivery and offering a full turnkey approach to various projects. These projects range from new developments to the refurbishment and retrofit of existing buildings. Our portfolio includes solar energy, battery storage, and electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions. Nuvolt's approach is grounded in sustainability, innovation, and quality, with a commitment to continuous process improvement and the adoption of renewable technology.

  • How does Nuvolt assist with financing for renewable energy projects?

    Nuvolt offers assistance with financing solutions for renewable energy projects to facilitate project delivery. Financial support is a crucial part of our service, enabling clients to implement renewable energy solutions more feasibly. Nuvolt's approach to financing is designed to make renewable energy projects more accessible and affordable, supporting clients in achieving their sustainability goals while also contributing to the UK's Net Zero Carbon ambitions. The exact nature of the financing solutions can vary depending on the project's scale, type, and specific requirements.

  • Do Nuvolt offer domestic services?

    Nuvolt primarily focuses on providing services for commercial and industrial sectors. We do not typically cater to domestic or individual residential properties.

Renewable Energy ⚡

  • What are the most common types of renewable energy?

    The most common types of renewable energy include solar power, wind power, hydroelectric energy, biomass, and geothermal energy. Solar and wind are the fastest-growing renewable sources globally, due to their increasing cost-effectiveness and efficiency.  Hydroelectric power is also widely used, particularly in areas with abundant water resources.

  • How does renewable energy help in combating climate change?

    Renewable energy sources play a crucial role in combating climate change by significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2). Unlike fossil fuels, renewables generate energy without directly emitting CO2 or other harmful pollutants. This shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is essential in limiting global warming and achieving international climate goals.

  • Is renewable energy reliable and consistent enough to replace fossil fuels?

    Renewable energy has become increasingly reliable and consistent, thanks to technological advancements and improved energy storage solutions like batteries. While sources like solar and wind are variable, advancements in grid management and energy storage are mitigating these challenges. With these improvements, renewable energy can effectively complement and, in many cases, replace fossil fuels for electricity generation.

  • What are the economic benefits of switching to renewable energy?

    The economic benefits of renewable energy include job creation in the manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of renewable energy systems. Renewables also offer energy security and price stability, as they are less prone to global market fluctuations compared to fossil fuels. Additionally, the long-term savings on energy costs and the potential for government incentives make renewable energy an economically viable option.

Grants and Funding ⚡

  • Development Bank of Wales

    Provides loans and equity investments that can be used for renewable energy projects.

    Click here to find out more about Development Bank of Wales.

  • Welsh Government Energy Service

    upports public sector and community organisations in Wales to develop and finance renewable energy projects. While primarily focused on public and community projects, the insights and frameworks may be beneficial for commercial entities.

    Click here to find out more about Welsh Government Energy Service.

  • Business Wales

    Offers advice and support for businesses looking to become more sustainable, including funding for renewable energy projects.

    Click here to find out more about Business Wales.

  • Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS)

    A voucher-based scheme designed to provide eligible applicants with support towards the upfront costs of the purchase and installation of EV chargepoints.

    Click here to find out more about Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS).

  • On-street Residential Chargepoint Scheme

    While focused on residential areas, this scheme, managed by local authorities, can impact businesses looking to install EV charging solutions near their operations.

    Click here to find out more about the On-street Residential Chargepoint Scheme.

  • Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) Grants

    While primarily for individuals, these grants indirectly support the broader infrastructure for EVs, including commercial charging stations.

    Click here to find out more about the Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) Grants.

  • UK Government's Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV)

    Provides various grants and support for low emission vehicles and related infrastructure, which may include commercial solar, battery storage, and EV charging stations.

    Click here for more information on OZEV website.

  • Carbon Trust Grants

    Offers advice and sometimes funding for businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint and implement sustainable energy solutions.

    Click here for more information on Carbon Trust  Grants.

  • Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest scheme

    The Nest scheme offers advice and support on energy efficiency, money management, energy tariffs and more across Wales.

    Click here for more information on Nest Scheme.

  • The Clean Growth Programme - Wales

    The Clean Growth Programme teaches organisations about the principles underlying the Circular Economy, supporting them to rethink resource management and contribute to the Welsh Government’s ‘Net Zero Wales’ ambitions. Participants share tools, techniques and best practice with fellow community members to identify and devise practical solutions to their clean growth challenges.

    Click here to find out more about The Clean Growth Programme - Wales.

  • Low Carbon Innovation Fund - Wales

    Economy Minister announces further £1 million investment in green vehicle innovation.

    Click here to find Low Carbon Innovation Fund - Wales.

  • Circular Economy Funding - Wales

    Memorandum on the Climate Change - Draft Budget Proposals for 2022-23 Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee.

    Click here to find out more about Circular Economy Funding - Wales.

  • Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council Decarbonisation Grant Scheme - Wales

    The purpose of the grant scheme is to provide businesses with grant finance for the purposes of increasing jobs, increasing visitor numbers, supporting enterprise, diversification and green energy opportunities. 

    Read more 

    For further information, please contact the Enterprise Team on 

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